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Yang, Yuwei

Tolera, Qananii

Chun, Catherine

McWilliam, Ian

Rupright, Emily

Tian, Christina

Bearing Concrete

312/412 Undergraduate Option Studio, Spring 2021

This studio seeks for the simultaneous use of hands-on and intuitive exploration on the possibilities of this universal material while providing students with a solid background on principles of concrete design. Students research and learn the methodology of construction systems in concrete, including the applicable fundamentals of structure and enclosure systems. Students are challenged to rethink traditional enclosure solutions by using concrete in innovative ways while incorporating highly creative and digitally fabricated geometries, details and textures. The design responds to strict enclosure-related performance criteria tested as both generic prototypes and project-specific design.


The final project includes the design of a non-denominational chapel in a site on mid-town St. Louis. The program includes a sacred space that can be adjacent to a flex space for different kind of events, classrooms, bedrooms for longer-term residents and related services.


Student work:

Byrd, Maya
Chun, Catherine Yi Si

McWilliams, Ian

Rupright, Emily

Tolera, Qananii

Yang, Yuwei

Savignac, Francois

Tian, Christina

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