Furnish_It, with pieces
A46 ARCH 435E - Fall 2014
Public space determines the character of neighborhoods and cities. It is embedded the urban fabric and mediates the relationship between people and their surrounding landscape. Urban furniture can play an important role in offering a wide range of uses for public spaces. The design of such pieces can contribute the way people live and experience a particular environment. The ultimate goal of this course is to design, fabricate and install urban furniture to equip a vacant urban lot in Old North St. Louis neighborhood to promote opportunities for social interaction.
This seminar builds up on the scope of the Creative Activity Research Grant awarded by the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts where 5 permeable concrete pavers were designed for a vacant plot in Old North St. Louis. The challenge is to propose new urban furniture made out of a combination of concrete, Lamboo (laminated bamboo) and steel. It involves the construction of pieces to equip a gathering space that offers local residents the opportunity to interact with others. This provides aesthetic appeal to the local residents and visitors, while contributing to ameliorate the effects of urban vacancy.
The project was executed collaboratively with Anova, a local manufacturing company dedicated to the design and production of site furnishings. Anova provided funding, materials and offered their expertise to the project.